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Faculty of Business Studies

Message From Dean

Dr. Md. Rouf Biswas

Welcome to the Faculty of Business studies, North Western University. The Faculty offered The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA), Master of Business Administration for two (02) Years (RMBA). North Western University has been established with the objective of providing world class education. The Faculty of Business studies is also trying to provide world class education to the business students.

The business world is growing and expanding day by day in terms of various resources. The Faculty has the Department of Business Administration which is a highly dynamic and forward-looking department. Students can acquire advanced knowledge in the fields of business education. The well-educated faculty members always guide the students in proper application in the theoretical and practical fields. The Faculty of Business Studies committed to build up the students as future leaders of Bangladesh.

Dr. Md. Rouf Biswas
Business Studies
North Western University
Khulna, Bangladesh

Office Address:

PABX: +880-2477-726064-6 Ext: 104

Phone: +880-1716386196

E-mail:rbiswasru@gmail.com, rbiswas@nwu.ac.bd, dean.bs@nwu.ac.bd (off.)