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Invitation for Tender. Online Access Link of UGC Digital Library. Online Access Link of ACM Digital Library.

Office of the Registrar

Employee Information
Name: Prof. Dr. Molla Amir Hossen
Email: registrar@nwu.ac.bd, registrar.nwu@gmail.com
Phone: +880-2477-726064-6 Ext: 105, +880-2477-722282 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1711-140859
Prof. Dr. Molla Amir Hossen
Senior Assistant Registrar
Name: Dr. Shahida Khanam
Email: shahida.khanam@nwu.ac.bd, shahidashukhi930@gmail.com
Phone: +880-2477-726064-6 Ext: 118 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1771-607038
Dr. Shahida Khanam
Assistant Registrar & Assistant Director
Name: Mina Ossiqur Rahman
Email: dolon.mina@gmail.com
Phone: +880-2477-726064-6 Ext: 112 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1715-743530
Mina Ossiqur Rahman
Assistant Registrar
Name: Sk. Maksadur Rahman
Email: maksadur@nwu.ac.bd, maksadurnwu@gmail.com
Phone: +880-2477-726064-6 Ext: 112 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1712-164167
Sk. Maksadur Rahman
Officer Grade-II
Name: Mohammad Monjurul Haque
Email: raselchowdhury.83@gmail.com
Phone: +880-2477-726064-6 Ext: 121 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1855-638398
Mohammad Monjurul Haque
Officer Grade-III
Name: Tania Nishat Khan
Email: tania.nishat@nwu.ac.bd
Phone: +880-2477-726064-6 Ext: 121 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1735-128966
Tania Nishat Khan
Name: Dulali Biswas
Phone: +880-2477-726064-6 Ext: 123 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1718-445824
Dulali Biswas
Name: Md. Hemayet Hossain
Email: sharifislam2442@gmail.com
Phone: +880-2477-726064-6 Ext: 121 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1928-167265
Md. Hemayet Hossain
Junior Demonstrator (Lab)
Name: Mehedi Hasan Eshan
Email: eshancse@gmail.com, eshan@nwu.ac.bd (off.)
Phone: +880-2477-726064-6 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1934-955009, +880-1731-553710
Mehedi Hasan Eshan
Officer Grade-IV
Name: Shirina Akter
Phone: +880-2477-730596 Ext: 123 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1710-123055
Shirina Akter
Name: Md. Ziaul Kabir
Phone: +880-2477-730596 Ext: 118 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1766-284515
Md. Ziaul Kabir
Name: Mostak Ahmad
Email: mostak.ahmad@nwu.ac.bd, mostak.ahmad.nwu@gmail.com
Phone: +880-2477-726064-6 Ext: 115 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1672-363581
Mostak Ahmad
Name: Mohammad Saiful Islam
Email: saiful.islam@nwu.ac.bd, islamsaiful734@gmail.com
Phone: +880-2477-726064-6 Ext: 112 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1712-668853, 01622787887
Mohammad Saiful Islam
Name: Md. Ashiqur Rahman
Email: ashiqur@nwu.ac.bd, ashiqnwub2@gmail.com
Phone: +880-2477-730596 Ext: 109 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1947-852904
Md. Ashiqur Rahman
Dispatch Recorder
Name: Md. Nasir Uddin
Phone: +880-2477-726064-6 (off.)
Mobile: +880-1725-358653
Md. Nasir Uddin