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Online Registration for Retake / Backlog & Improvement Examinations

Terms and Conditions
    Please see the following instruction:
  1. Students must have to pay one-third of the on-going semester’s fee to apply for the “Retake / Backlog & Improvement Examinations”.
  2. Courses must have to be offered by the Departments of North Western University for the “Retake / Backlog & Improvement Examinations”.
  3. No students can take more than 18 credit hours in total including “Retake/ Backlog & Improvement Examinations” at a time in a single semester.
  4. Students must consult with the Head/Heads of the departments of each faculty before applying for “Retake / Backlog & Improvement Examinations”. This actually indicates the students that how much credits and which courses are allowed to be registered in a single semester.
  5. Note: Semester registration might not be applicable for those students who have already attended all the semesters. Download Application Form Click Here